Ben and Lissa are old high school friends who are having a competition they thought up on the spur of the moment to see which of them can lose 10 pounds the fastest. It's fun! Then winner gets to design an embarrassing T-shirt and the loser has to wear it in public.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

I hate you too

yeah, I sort of was focused on getting my eyes sliced open and reshaped :-P I will start to repost again when I am able to start working out again :-P

Just to let you know. I think I gained 5 lbs. I couldn't see all that well after the surgery so I probably shoved a ton of crappy food in my mouth.

PS - Your sister is a liar and she needs to eat cake.

Friday, January 26, 2007

I hate you Ben

[11:27] OriannaLenoreB: ben is never going to post again
[11:28] OriannaLenoreB: he told sonny he didn't need to lose any weight
[11:28] OriannaLenoreB: he bowed out
[11:28] OriannaLenoreB: but he didn't tell you

Ben's 1200 calorie dinner

Monday, January 22, 2007


Since I've been stuck at 138, I am not getting on the scale again until Friday. We will see if adding a 1 mile run every morning makes a difference. I am guessing I am adding muscle mass faster than I can burn a corresponding amount of fat off so it is resulting in no net loss. I may still post every day just to let everyone know how shitty my mile time is (for instance this morning, it was over 17 minutes). But I realized I was running a little bit more than a mile - more like a mile and a quarter, so I will correct that tomorrow. I'm sure I will still have a shitty mile time though.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

It's Ben's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Ben! I bet you are eating cake!

Add that to your weekend plans, and you are screwed. I am thinking now about toning down your T-shirt from some of my previous designs and just making one for you that says, "I like cake." It is less embarrassing, but just as funny and even more topical.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ben was right

Hmmm.... Ben has told me many times that the first 5 pounds would be easy and after that I would probably plateau. Normally, when he said this, I did that opening and closing my hand gesture that looks like a bird chirping. Then I would say something about having more than 10 pounds to lose, so this contest should be easy for me to win. I have been holding at 138 for I guess about a week now. I am going to have to do something to kick my progress back into gear... but I am guessing it is going to have to be cutting out some of the beverages I have been enjoying after a long day (beer and wine). So, F*, do I have to join AA to win this damn contest or what? I also ordered a bike, so I am going to try to go for a ride at lunch most days and take it over to some nice paved trails they have around here on weekends. Unfortunately, I guess that means I will be using my lunch break for exercise instead of my usual nap. I keep telling myself I am going to run in the morning, but so far no dice. This morning, instead of getting up and going for a run, I slept through my alarm until 10:00. Then I read 1984 while I had my coffee. It's pretty good! I tried to read it once in 10th grade, but I didn't enjoy it very much back then. It is just like when I tried to read The Catcher in the Rye again when I was like 25, I didn't like that very much at all, but when I was in 10th grade, of course I thought it was genius.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

No weight but...

I bought a sauna suit and am about to go bike with it on. Hooray for Holidays. Probably won't post a weight until Tuesday morning. Wonder how much water weight will come off because of this suit.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Back to 138

After having 1/2 a chicken breast with some rice and asparagus for dinner last night, and that after a very intense Tae Bo Advanced work-out, I am back to 138 today. I will not eat steak and mashed potatoes again. In fact, if I go out, I am sticking to salad or fish with side of vegetables. I only ate like 1/2 that steak and it was an 8 oz filet (who the F orders a 16 oz steak? That is a whole pound). So I am guessing it was the green beans and mashed potatoes that really put the fat on me.

I also thought very hard about going for a run this morning. I eventually talked myself out of it though. But, I think just planning it probably burned a fair amount of calories. Maybe on Monday I will start doing that. I can see I am going to have to kick it up a notch now that Ben is back to his starting weight. I am still 5 pounds ahead of him, but everyone keeps telling me he runs, so jeez, I guess I better run too if I want to win. Plus I made a New Year's Resolution to run an 8 minute mile, which is not going to happen if I don't start running. I have been working on the pull-up too, but I am guessing that may come even after I get my mile time to its lowest point ever of 8 minutes. It will probably get easier to lift myself up the lighter I get.

I got a digital scale, and it shows the same weight as my old one, so I will start doing my pictures of that as soon as I remember to get new batteries for my camera. I just have to remember to take the picture before the body fat gets calculated and displayed, because it is embarrassingly high.

The kid is his pre-Vegas weight

Ok, back to being 1 lb down from my starting weight and 6-7 lbs down from my post-Vegas weight. Target goal for next week will be about 162-163. I am confident about this because I have had so much more time to sleep, exercise, and eat since I finished up with 75% of my b-school applications. Still have UVA left to do, but they only have 3 essays and they aren't due until March 1. However, once I hit 160, it will be hard to hit those last 3 lbs. For the last two years, 160 has been moderatly easy to maintain, but 165 was not hard at all (all numbers +- 5 lbs for vacations, parties, other non-regimen diet). When I tried to maintain 155, it was very hard since I was starting to gain muscle to bulk up since I was getting really thin. Oh well, I guess I better stop putting off getting to my offsite location. Stupid meetings.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ben's weight

I will try to remember to weigh myself tomorrow morning. Had to go offsite for meetings all day As for gaining 2 lbs. It happens. Your body sometimes holds water or food if you starve or dehydrate it.

Besides, poop doesn't weigh as much as pee. I weighed myself after I peed and it usually makes me drop about .4-.6 lbs. Poop, on the other hand, was only about .2 a session.

Don't worry, if you stick to your regimen, you will lose enough weight to wear the shirt I have planned for you.

How the F do you gain 2 pounds in 1 day?

So confused. I did have steak and mashed potatoes for dinner last night, but I did not really think it would make *that* big of a difference. I ordered green beans for my other side, because I thought it would be healthier, but there was so much bacon in them, I think it was just as bad as anything else I could have ordered. Then I was pretty stuffed by the time I got home, so I ended up just doing an easy 30 minute work out. Bottom line? I got on the scale this morning and it said 140. The batteries in my camera died right when I was taking the picture, so no photo. But, if I was going to lie, I would make my weight less. Anyway, I guess it is just food and I will poop it out in about 10 minutes. Then I will probably be back to 138. By the way, what does it mean if you are sitting on the toilet and you definitely squeeze out a log that you know for sure is pretty massive, but then when you look in the toilet there is nothing there?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I almost skipped working out last night too. I am glad I didn't because I would probably be up today if I had.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


we will see we will see. I weighed myself after I got back from the gym. 170. Will drop about 1-2 pounds over night. That is ok. I will just have to cut weight real quick and maintain it for two weeks. I will crush you.

I will create a shirt that says, "I am stoopid."

HA! I win.

More than half way there

I think my 10 pounds may come off by the end of this week. This picture, it looks like, 137 or 138? It is hard to tell. A digital scale would definitely give a clearer picture. I will probably get one this weekend if not sooner. Ben, I am thinking about designing you a t-shirt that says "ghey" with a rainbow. And on the back will be your phone number.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Still the same

Still a tiny hair under 140 today. I thought I would have lost some yesterday because I was working in the yard all day, then steam cleaning the carpets with the heavist f'ing steam cleaner you can buy for home use. I also did a workout. I think the hold-up was probably the blueberry pancakes I had at Crackerbarrel for breakfast. But blueberries are a super food like Avacados. I think avacados would taste horrible in pancakes though. They are still better than blueberries in my opinion because blueberries turn your teeth blue.

Bad pic, no time

bleh, 170. That is ok. I think I can knock that down to 166/167 by the end of the week. Back to where I started ha! Once I get to focus on this a little more, things will get rockin.

Picture is a little blurry, but you get the point. Low light? Dunno, had the flash on. Better things to worry about than this.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Not worried

I am not too worried. I spent the whole weekend working on my Stanford application and eating a ton of crappy food. I am sure I lost weight. I plan on submitting this badboy Monday evening and then working out hardcore. Once I am free to workout, pounds will be the shedded.

I am guessing I will be like 169 or so tomorrow morning. Taking my camera home from my folks' place tonight. Next week = time to kick butt.

Time to cut my toenails

Gross. I could tell they were getting too long last night when I got in bed because I could feel them scratching the sheets a tiny bit. But that is not really the point of this post, the point is, I am under 140 now! I did a new Advanced Tae-Bo workout last night and I was like yelling at Billy and crap it was so hard. I was all telling him, "no one can do that, Billy" and shit like that.

By the way, it took me 3 tries to get a picture that was not blurry so everyone can clearly see that the red line is under the 140 mark.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

You are Toast

I'm so gonna win. I am a tiny hair over 140. I have lost almost 4 pounds and that is pretty much just in a week (since I had no gain or loss over the holidays). Salad is so cool because you can eat like a ton of it and it still barely has any calories. I also got dragged to Arby's last night, and even though the beef and cheddar was calling my name, I ordered a chicken salad wrap. Then I didn't eat any candy at the movies. Plus I did an ADVANCED Tae-Bo workout last night that was REALLY hard! Advanced means it is an hour instead of half an hour. Otherwise it is the same as the beginners. I also walked my dogs, but considering they stop to sniff stuff every 10 seconds or so, it barely qualifies as physical activity. Other than the race to get out the front door, it is mostly just standing around.

Then I forced myself to do 6 pull-ups instead of 5. But they are not real pull-ups, they are sort of like those push-ups you do with your knees on the ground. They are like lady pull-ups. I am working my way up to a real one.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Vacation Weight Coming off

Ok, weighed myself and I am down to 169.8. Vacation weight is slowly, but surely, coming off. Goal for next week is to be back to 166.6 or lighter. We will see.

No progress

Looks like no progress today, even though I stuck to my very strict diet and took small step number 16 - Get a dog and walk it (times 2 for me). I also did a moderately intense workout with weights. That is probably the problem. I added an equivalent amount of muscle yesterday to totally nullify the weight I lost in fat.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Been working on my last Stanford essay and have been pre-occupied. I am now back to 170.6 after my week in Vegas. Was at 173 (Using a non-digital scale) after my trip, but that was to be expected. I will post pics when I get my camera back from my folk's place this weekend.

I am not worried. I am back on my regular calorie diet and working out again. 157, here I come.

Still no update from Ben?

I thought surely my taunting would produce a weigh in from Ben this morning, but no such luck. It's too bad because my weigh in this morning is even less than yesterday. I think I am losing about 1/3 of a pound a day. I wish I had a fancy digital scale that also calculates body fat like Ben does. It would make tracking my progress so much more scientific. I went back to my full 60 minute workout (with Gilad!) last night. The Gilad workouts are way easier than Tae-Bo, so I may do one more of those before I switch back to Tae-Bo. I also made a New Year's Resolution to do a pull-up. So I started working on that last night.

I wish I could hold my camera still while I press the button to take the picture. They always come out so blurry.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Small Step #89

89. Park farther from destination and walk.

I went to the grocery store at lunch to get some items to make a very delicious salad that I am eating now. I parked at the back of the lot even though there were tons of spaces up front and walked in.

An old guy who was driving behind me most of the way to the store and came in right after me, went directly to the beer at noon on a Wednesday.

Too embarrassed to post?

Feeling too ashamed of your Vegas buffet weight-gain to post your daily weigh-ins, Ben? Well, the hits just keep on coming because after one day on my no-junk-food-salad-for-lunch diet, I am already lighter. All I ate yesterday is a handful of almonds, a salad, one serving of dark chocolate/orange slices candy that are like 150 calories for the serving, and 3 small slices of oven baked pizza. I also had an apple. I only drank water, but that is not technically part of the diet. I also wasn't sure what qualified as "junk food" so I pretty much just ruled out cookies, pretzels, and potato chips. And cheetos, cheezy poofs, cheeze whiz, cheez-itz, funyions, beef jerky, and combos. I wasn't sure if those chocolate candies I ate qualified as junk food, but I have been reading a lot of stuff that says dark chocolate is actually really good for you -- it is a super food like avocados. I don't like it as much as avocados, because it doesn't taste good with mayonnaise, but at 150 calories for the serving, I figured it was pretty much a wash anyway because I would definitely burn that much off doing the INTENSE 30 minute Tae-Bo workout I did. Also, I guess some people might consider pizza junk food, but to me, since it has tomatoes, cheese, and a crust it is basically all 4 food groups baked into one yummy gooey pie. How can that be junk food?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2 Christmas Dinners + 1 New Year's Dinner = 0 pounds gained?

What kind of person doesn't gain any weight over the holidays? A ninja, that's what kind.

How much did you gain, Ben?

By the way, I just had a salad for lunch and a handful of almonds for breakfast. I am going to top it off with a whopping 30 minutes of tae-bo in about an hour. I don't want to strain myself since I didn't work out for 2 weeks while I was in VA. But starting tomorrow I'll be back on my 60 minute work-out regimen. I wouldn't be surprised if I win this thing by the end of the month.