Ben and Lissa are old high school friends who are having a competition they thought up on the spur of the moment to see which of them can lose 10 pounds the fastest. It's fun! Then winner gets to design an embarrassing T-shirt and the loser has to wear it in public.

Monday, January 22, 2007


Since I've been stuck at 138, I am not getting on the scale again until Friday. We will see if adding a 1 mile run every morning makes a difference. I am guessing I am adding muscle mass faster than I can burn a corresponding amount of fat off so it is resulting in no net loss. I may still post every day just to let everyone know how shitty my mile time is (for instance this morning, it was over 17 minutes). But I realized I was running a little bit more than a mile - more like a mile and a quarter, so I will correct that tomorrow. I'm sure I will still have a shitty mile time though.


Blogger Orianna said...

13:26 isn't very shitty. I bet if you were running in colder weather you'd be clocking in at around 10:00. I don't think Ben's heart is in this contest. He should let Livvy sub in or something.

10:11 AM

Blogger Olivia said...

Yes...I should sub in because seriously, when was the last time Ben even posted. Anna you should do it too! It will be fun. Anywho, Lissa, I am totally pissed at my scale too. I am not sure if it is because I am bloated right now or what, but my weight won't get down past 148 either. I am thinking about only weighing myself once a week from now on instead of everyday. I hear that a person's weight flucuates constantly so it is best to weigh yourself at the same time once a week and no more than that. SO...that is what I'm going to start doing!

1:25 PM

Blogger Alicia said...

That's what I am doing too Livvy! I am not weighing myself again until Saturday morning - to see if adding the run makes a difference. I did get on the other day and my body fat percentage was down a couple points, so it makes me think my theory about adding muscle faster than I can lose the fat is correct.

1:38 PM

Blogger Orianna said...

i don't know how accurate the body fat reading is. According to Livvy's scale I'm less fat than both of you. And much less fat than myself a minute later. Craziness.

8:25 AM

Blogger Olivia said...

Yeah...I would not trust the body fat thing.

7:26 AM

Blogger Ben Chen said...

The body fat thing is not all that accurate if you have sweaty feet etc. Most accurate would be to have someone caliper you. Had it done at work it was pretty cool.

5:09 PM


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