Ben and Lissa are old high school friends who are having a competition they thought up on the spur of the moment to see which of them can lose 10 pounds the fastest. It's fun! Then winner gets to design an embarrassing T-shirt and the loser has to wear it in public.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Still the same

Still a tiny hair under 140 today. I thought I would have lost some yesterday because I was working in the yard all day, then steam cleaning the carpets with the heavist f'ing steam cleaner you can buy for home use. I also did a workout. I think the hold-up was probably the blueberry pancakes I had at Crackerbarrel for breakfast. But blueberries are a super food like Avacados. I think avacados would taste horrible in pancakes though. They are still better than blueberries in my opinion because blueberries turn your teeth blue.


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