Ben and Lissa are old high school friends who are having a competition they thought up on the spur of the moment to see which of them can lose 10 pounds the fastest. It's fun! Then winner gets to design an embarrassing T-shirt and the loser has to wear it in public.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Gypsy curse

So, after working out like *crazy* for a 11 days and refraining entirely from pigging out, cutting alcohol consumption to Friday/Saturday only... I have gained a pound. And I am talking about working out for 2+ hours spread over the day (like 30 minutes in the morning, 30 minute bike ride at lunch, 30 minute walk with my dogs after work, 60 minutes of tae-bo or step aerobics after that, then sometimes 20 - 30 minutes of weight training after that). I am up to 141 this morning. Only explanation is some kind of gypsy curse. Except mine is "fatter" instead of "thinner." Feel like throwing the scale out the window, eating a pack of double-stufs, and smoking a pack of cigs. If I am still hovering around 140 (or higher) when April comes, I am going to do *exactly* that.


Blogger Olivia said...

OMG...The same thing happened to me, except I suspect I was totally piggin' out!! With you though, I bet it is muscle. What with the weight training and all. I wouldn't worry about it...Unless of course you actually look fatter. Then, have a problem :).

11:30 AM

Blogger Alicia said...

Mike says I look slimmer. I still see chunks of lard all over my body and am disgusted. I wonder if I have that disorder...

2:58 PM

Blogger Ben Chen said...

Well, it is part muscle as well as you might be overworking your body. Don't forget to eat enough food because starving yourself is just as bad as overeating. - don't go under 700 calories under your calorie expenditure and make sure you sleep enough.

5:15 PM

Blogger Orianna said...

Body Fat Percentage is more important than weight. If your scale is accurate you were a skinny obese person before. Muscle is more dense than fat i.e., it takes up less space, so a 140 lb woman who is 33% body fat is going to look larger than a 140 lb woman who is only 20% body fat.

The American Council on Exercise states these for women:

Essential fat for women: 10-12%

Women Athletes: 14-20%

Women Fitness: 20-25%

Women Acceptable: 25-31%

Women Obese: 32%

Bodyfat is an excellent way to measure your progress!!

5:36 AM

Blogger Alicia said...

Anna, you are so cute trying to pump me up. What a good little motivator you are.

6:56 AM

Blogger Elaine said...

I managed to drop about 14 lbs this last fall by increasing my protein and replacing rice, potatoes, and bread with fresh fruit. It was a nice diet...I have gained three pounds back, but most of it has stayed off.

8:21 PM

Blogger Olivia said...

I don't know how you can do that!!! I get these mad cravings for things like Chees Fries, sweets, or pizza, and nothing will do until I eat one of them. It's the livvy curse. For instance, I've been thinking about pizza all week. I will cave this weekend I think :).

8:42 AM

Blogger Olivia said...

This blog totally sucks and is boring because it's never EVER updated. What's up? Have the scales not been going down or something?

11:16 AM

Blogger Olivia said...

Yeah...totally the worst blog ever.

8:24 PM


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