Gypsy curse
So, after working out like *crazy* for a 11 days and refraining entirely from pigging out, cutting alcohol consumption to Friday/Saturday only... I have gained a pound. And I am talking about working out for 2+ hours spread over the day (like 30 minutes in the morning, 30 minute bike ride at lunch, 30 minute walk with my dogs after work, 60 minutes of tae-bo or step aerobics after that, then sometimes 20 - 30 minutes of weight training after that). I am up to 141 this morning. Only explanation is some kind of gypsy curse. Except mine is "fatter" instead of "thinner." Feel like throwing the scale out the window, eating a pack of double-stufs, and smoking a pack of cigs. If I am still hovering around 140 (or higher) when April comes, I am going to do *exactly* that.
OMG...The same thing happened to me, except I suspect I was totally piggin' out!! With you though, I bet it is muscle. What with the weight training and all. I wouldn't worry about it...Unless of course you actually look fatter. Then, have a problem :).
11:30 AM
Mike says I look slimmer. I still see chunks of lard all over my body and am disgusted. I wonder if I have that disorder...
2:58 PM
Well, it is part muscle as well as you might be overworking your body. Don't forget to eat enough food because starving yourself is just as bad as overeating. - don't go under 700 calories under your calorie expenditure and make sure you sleep enough.
5:15 PM
Body Fat Percentage is more important than weight. If your scale is accurate you were a skinny obese person before. Muscle is more dense than fat i.e., it takes up less space, so a 140 lb woman who is 33% body fat is going to look larger than a 140 lb woman who is only 20% body fat.
The American Council on Exercise states these for women:
Essential fat for women: 10-12%
Women Athletes: 14-20%
Women Fitness: 20-25%
Women Acceptable: 25-31%
Women Obese: 32%
Bodyfat is an excellent way to measure your progress!!
5:36 AM
Anna, you are so cute trying to pump me up. What a good little motivator you are.
6:56 AM
I managed to drop about 14 lbs this last fall by increasing my protein and replacing rice, potatoes, and bread with fresh fruit. It was a nice diet...I have gained three pounds back, but most of it has stayed off.
8:21 PM
I don't know how you can do that!!! I get these mad cravings for things like Chees Fries, sweets, or pizza, and nothing will do until I eat one of them. It's the livvy curse. For instance, I've been thinking about pizza all week. I will cave this weekend I think :).
8:42 AM
This blog totally sucks and is boring because it's never EVER updated. What's up? Have the scales not been going down or something?
11:16 AM
Yeah...totally the worst blog ever.
8:24 PM
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