Ben and Lissa are old high school friends who are having a competition they thought up on the spur of the moment to see which of them can lose 10 pounds the fastest. It's fun! Then winner gets to design an embarrassing T-shirt and the loser has to wear it in public.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Back to 138

After having 1/2 a chicken breast with some rice and asparagus for dinner last night, and that after a very intense Tae Bo Advanced work-out, I am back to 138 today. I will not eat steak and mashed potatoes again. In fact, if I go out, I am sticking to salad or fish with side of vegetables. I only ate like 1/2 that steak and it was an 8 oz filet (who the F orders a 16 oz steak? That is a whole pound). So I am guessing it was the green beans and mashed potatoes that really put the fat on me.

I also thought very hard about going for a run this morning. I eventually talked myself out of it though. But, I think just planning it probably burned a fair amount of calories. Maybe on Monday I will start doing that. I can see I am going to have to kick it up a notch now that Ben is back to his starting weight. I am still 5 pounds ahead of him, but everyone keeps telling me he runs, so jeez, I guess I better run too if I want to win. Plus I made a New Year's Resolution to run an 8 minute mile, which is not going to happen if I don't start running. I have been working on the pull-up too, but I am guessing that may come even after I get my mile time to its lowest point ever of 8 minutes. It will probably get easier to lift myself up the lighter I get.

I got a digital scale, and it shows the same weight as my old one, so I will start doing my pictures of that as soon as I remember to get new batteries for my camera. I just have to remember to take the picture before the body fat gets calculated and displayed, because it is embarrassingly high.


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