Worst weekend ever
Mike was out of town Saturday - Wednesday, so let me tell you what I ate while he was gone. 1 package of double stuf Oreos, McDonald's, Taco Bell, 3 pork chops. I did not exercise the whole time he was gone either. I just painted my kitchen/dining room and lay on the couch. I did manage to walk my dogs a few times. Luckily it has not resulted in that much gain back and starting today I am going back to normal. It has been ridiculously cold here, like 50's, so I have not wanted to do much outside, which sucks since I bought that stupid bike but I have not been able to ride it so far. I keep planning to ride it to subway and have a subway sandwich for lunch. Then I can lose 300 pounds like Jared! But it means I would weigh like -160 pounds. That's pretty sweet though because I would be a size zero, or maybe even smaller.
Labels: jared is fat
Uhmmm...50 degrees is not cold. That is actually perfect weather to be exercising in. I refuse to hear you bitch about the weather anymore, since it's been in like the 20s here for the past 2 weeks! AND there is ice on the ground that won't melt, because it is sooooo friggin' cold. Suck it up...get on your bike (in some long pants or something and a long sleeved shirt) and go for a ride!!! OR better yet, go running! It's much more enjoyable...Like last Sunday I ran outside -- 6 miles -- and it was in the 20s. Lots of fun...and you're totally not cold anymore after like the first 2 or 3 minutes. K...CHEERS!!
7:08 AM
OMG. That cold wind on my face... I would not be able to breathe.
10:07 AM
OK...You guys suck at posting!!
12:32 PM
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