Ben and Lissa are old high school friends who are having a competition they thought up on the spur of the moment to see which of them can lose 10 pounds the fastest. It's fun! Then winner gets to design an embarrassing T-shirt and the loser has to wear it in public.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ben's weight

I will try to remember to weigh myself tomorrow morning. Had to go offsite for meetings all day As for gaining 2 lbs. It happens. Your body sometimes holds water or food if you starve or dehydrate it.

Besides, poop doesn't weigh as much as pee. I weighed myself after I peed and it usually makes me drop about .4-.6 lbs. Poop, on the other hand, was only about .2 a session.

Don't worry, if you stick to your regimen, you will lose enough weight to wear the shirt I have planned for you.


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