Ben and Lissa are old high school friends who are having a competition they thought up on the spur of the moment to see which of them can lose 10 pounds the fastest. It's fun! Then winner gets to design an embarrassing T-shirt and the loser has to wear it in public.

Friday, January 26, 2007

I hate you Ben

[11:27] OriannaLenoreB: ben is never going to post again
[11:28] OriannaLenoreB: he told sonny he didn't need to lose any weight
[11:28] OriannaLenoreB: he bowed out
[11:28] OriannaLenoreB: but he didn't tell you

Ben's 1200 calorie dinner


Blogger Olivia said...

Ben sucks. I can't believe he bowed out. He is the one that thought the competition was so much fun that he extended the maintaining goal weight to two weeks instead of one, or something like that. What a butt!

9:14 AM


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