Ben and Lissa are old high school friends who are having a competition they thought up on the spur of the moment to see which of them can lose 10 pounds the fastest. It's fun! Then winner gets to design an embarrassing T-shirt and the loser has to wear it in public.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ben: Weigh in 12-19-2006

I should weigh less, but I guess I shouldn't have eaten dinner so late in the evening, huh? That is ok, I will just push through this and be victorious. There might be a slight detour next week when I am in Vegas, but if this past weekend was any indication of my metabolism, I should be ok. (Went to the holiday party and partook of much food and drink.)

Victory shall be mine.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Ben: Weigh in 12-15-2006

I took a picture later in the day yesterday. Right before I rushed to my folks place to go to the Optometrist and finish with my essays...I guess I shouldn't have eaten the free pizza and beer at work, huh. I will post it once I get home. I was about 168.6 or so. Oh well, I will pewp and run today and I should be ok...unless the cool ranch doritos and poppycock added to my poundage.

I am still cool and collected. No rush to the finish line.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Lissa: Weigh in 12-15-2006

That's right sucka. 141. Three pounds down, seven to go.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Lissa: Weigh in 12-14-2006

Uh... Ben's scale is *way* better than mine. Maybe I will get one that has a digital read-out and can detect my percent body fat. I have had the one you are looking at for about 8 years.

There is a very slight glare, but you can still see I weighed in at 144 this morning. I am guessing the camera must weigh like, 5 pounds or so... yesterday right after I ate a box of macaroni and cheese, I only weighed 140. So, I don't know what F is up with 144 this morning.

By the way, my husband also thinks I will lose. This morning, when I mentioned that we were having this contest to him, his response was, "you better watch out babe, because Ben runs and stuff." I guess he does not realize how challenging a Tae Bo Advanced workout is.

Ben: Weigh in 12-14-2006

I have ugly feet but no one really seems them unless I post a picture on the Internet...

18% Fatness

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Place your Bets

I would like to say I am the odds on favorite to win. I look forward to crushing Lissa. Poor girl doesn't know what she has gotten herself into.


Rules of the Competition

1. Competition begins 12/14 at AM weigh in.
2. Ben and Lissa will weigh in daily before breakfast and post digital picture of weight. Toes must be visible in the picture.
3. First person to lose 10 pounds and maintain the 10 pound weight loss for 1 week wins the competition.
4. The winner of the competition wins the right to design a t-shirt to be worn by the loser.
5. The loser must wear the shirt in any public place.
6. Loser must post a photo of his/herself wearing the shirt in said public place with other humans visible in the photo as evidence.


7. The t-shirt designs cannot be ridiculously offensive (like off-the-charts racist or gay bashing) - basically nothing that will result in the loser getting his or her butt kicked.

**UPDATE 2**

Ben LOVES this contest and he wants it to last as long as possible. Therefore, the time to keep the weight off shall now be 2 weeks.