Ben and Lissa are old high school friends who are having a competition they thought up on the spur of the moment to see which of them can lose 10 pounds the fastest. It's fun! Then winner gets to design an embarrassing T-shirt and the loser has to wear it in public.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Lissa: Weigh in 12-14-2006

Uh... Ben's scale is *way* better than mine. Maybe I will get one that has a digital read-out and can detect my percent body fat. I have had the one you are looking at for about 8 years.

There is a very slight glare, but you can still see I weighed in at 144 this morning. I am guessing the camera must weigh like, 5 pounds or so... yesterday right after I ate a box of macaroni and cheese, I only weighed 140. So, I don't know what F is up with 144 this morning.

By the way, my husband also thinks I will lose. This morning, when I mentioned that we were having this contest to him, his response was, "you better watch out babe, because Ben runs and stuff." I guess he does not realize how challenging a Tae Bo Advanced workout is.


Blogger Orianna said...

Take it from me exercise doesn't work. I "run and stuff" and have done nothing but gain weight. Sitting is where it's at!

7:29 AM

Blogger Alicia said...

FYI, if I get a new scale I will go get it today and then if the weight is radically different on the new scale I will start from there.

7:37 AM

Blogger Ben Chen said...

Mike is a smart man. I am totally going to destroy you. If not, I will chalk it up to you cheating.

7:39 AM

Blogger Orianna said...

FYI, you will probably be heavier on a new scale, that's just the way it is. Like how i'm always twenty pounds heavier at the doctor's. Next time I'm getting naked and there's nothing the nurse can do about it.

7:45 AM

Blogger Alicia said...

LOL, just take your shoes off and put down your purse retard.

7:47 AM

Blogger Ben Chen said...

And take a poo before you go. Sheesh, kids these days.

7:50 AM

Blogger Celeste said...

What's to stop my cheating little sister from using the toilet top or something to push on in order to make the scale show a lower number while she snaps the shot with her other hand? I think Mike should have to take her pictures, so we can see that she really isn't cheating, because you know she can't be trusted.

7:11 PM


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