Ben and Lissa are old high school friends who are having a competition they thought up on the spur of the moment to see which of them can lose 10 pounds the fastest. It's fun! Then winner gets to design an embarrassing T-shirt and the loser has to wear it in public.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Ben: Weigh in 12-15-2006

I took a picture later in the day yesterday. Right before I rushed to my folks place to go to the Optometrist and finish with my essays...I guess I shouldn't have eaten the free pizza and beer at work, huh. I will post it once I get home. I was about 168.6 or so. Oh well, I will pewp and run today and I should be ok...unless the cool ranch doritos and poppycock added to my poundage.

I am still cool and collected. No rush to the finish line.


Blogger Orianna said...

In the interest of science . . . and my delicate sensibilities, both you bitches need a pedicure. Just an FYI

6:28 AM

Blogger Orianna said...

Sonny doesn't have a blogger account, but he would like to request a different nail color every day. You know, for variety.

6:29 AM

Blogger Ben Chen said...

I would like to request that he drink a cup of shut up juice. You know, for variety.

6:51 PM

Blogger Alicia said...

I don't need a pedicure jerk-ass. I shaved my toes in the shower the other day, so I am guessing that will make all the difference. Other than that, no-polish is the new polish, or hadn't you heard?

8:34 AM


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