Rules of the Competition
1. Competition begins 12/14 at AM weigh in.
2. Ben and Lissa will weigh in daily before breakfast and post digital picture of weight. Toes must be visible in the picture.
3. First person to lose 10 pounds and maintain the 10 pound weight loss for 1 week wins the competition.
4. The winner of the competition wins the right to design a t-shirt to be worn by the loser.
5. The loser must wear the shirt in any public place.
6. Loser must post a photo of his/herself wearing the shirt in said public place with other humans visible in the photo as evidence.
7. The t-shirt designs cannot be ridiculously offensive (like off-the-charts racist or gay bashing) - basically nothing that will result in the loser getting his or her butt kicked.
**UPDATE 2**
Ben LOVES this contest and he wants it to last as long as possible. Therefore, the time to keep the weight off shall now be 2 weeks.
just toes? how are you supposed to prove that the person taking the picture wasn't holding something (like a camera) they can conveniently misplace next day? Cheaters!
10:29 AM
WTF? How did you find out about our blog in like 10 seconds?
10:39 AM
just more proof that i am quite undeniably . . . THE SHIT!!!!!
10:53 AM
Or smell like Shit. I forget which.
10:59 AM
Anna, if you want to get in on this with us, it is okay by me. I can change the blog title.
10:59 AM
yeah we should get more people in on this. For me to crush. I think I will create a shirt for Lissa:
I go poo after breakfast.
11:03 AM
Whatever I would school you guys. Nobody loses weight like me. All's I got to do is eat my finger for dessert every day. Ten pounds gone, no problem. As a matter of fact I already won.
Ben, you smell like shit. yeah i said it. *evil laugh*
11:05 AM
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