Ben and Lissa are old high school friends who are having a competition they thought up on the spur of the moment to see which of them can lose 10 pounds the fastest. It's fun! Then winner gets to design an embarrassing T-shirt and the loser has to wear it in public.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Might as well...

I guess I am not going to get on the scale and see 138 again any time soon. I can't hold off posting forever, so even though this picture says 142 I will put it up. The weird thing is, I swear I got on as soon as I got out of bed, and it said 140.4, which pleased me, because it said 140.8 yesterday at the same time. Then I put my contacts in, brushed my teeth, let me dogs out, fed them, had literally 2 sips of coffee, put new batteries in the camera and got back on and it showed this. I know for certain the camera does not weigh 2 pounds, so I have no clue what this is about.

Anyway, even though this is basically my starting weight (143), I can tell the diet and exercise is working well for me because I look way thinner than when I started. I guess eventually I'll max out on the muscle building and then it will be nothing but fat loss and the number on the scale will start to drop again.

Also, my pull-up training is starting to pay off because last night I was able to do 2 underhand pull-ups (but my resolution is technically to do the overhand kind). Before I could only struggle up for 1.

Yesterday I found out step aerobics (which is what I have been doing the past couple weeks) burns more calories for a 140 pound woman than running for the same amount of time. I am guessing it is just as hard on your knees though.


Blogger Olivia said...

I was getting pissed off at my scale because it would slightly change constantly...blah blah I resolved to only weigh myself once a week so that I could actually witness some results instead of the constant fluctuations. Last I checked though...which was Monday evening, I was at 147.6. So I am almost the same weight as you now Lissa! Although, I'm not entirely sure how accurate that is because earlier that morning I weighed in at 149 and I'm not sure how I managed to lose a pound and a half in one day (while I was eating and stuff throughout the day), but I'd just like to say that I am totally winning. I have already lost 4.4 pounds since the beginning of January. Although, I don't think staying at Dad's house and eating popcorn chicken every night is doing anything to benefit me. I guess we will see next monday now. :-D!

12:28 PM

Blogger Olivia said...

Also, it totally depends on how fast you are running. For instance if I were to run for 40 minutes at a 10min/mile pace I would burn like 540 calories. Wherease doing step aerobics for 40 minutes would only burn me 440 calories. If I were to slow down to an 11.5 min/mile pace for 40 min. I would only burn about 440 calories...which is the same amount I would burn doing step aerobics for 40 min. Of course, if you are running at a 12 min or less / mile pace then you will also be burning less. You should keep running though. Cause if you can increase your pace and increase the duration of your run then you will start to burn more calories than you would doing step aerobics.

Plus, running is fun. Sometimes when I am walking around campus I think of how much fun it would be to start running. Of course I then immediately think how silly it would look and don't do it :(.

12:36 PM

Blogger Alicia said...

Oh yeah, I picked the 12 minute pace for comparison because Anna said that is how fast you guys run. But anyway I cannot run for my main exercise because it is too high impact. I can do a little because I love running just like you. But, if I try to run too much I always end up fucking my knee up, and then I can't do anything. It is counter-productive.

2:47 PM

Blogger Olivia said...

Hmmm...Just because I feel like I have worked very hard to get to the pace I'm at now and thus making it ok for me to knit-pick, I am just going to clear up something here. My average pace for last year (2006)was 11:19 and this year it has improved to 11:13. Just this week it is at 10:54. I don't know what Anna is talking about. We usually try to stay faster than 12 min.

8:17 AM

Blogger Orianna said...

1. Nit-pick isn't spelled with a K.
2. I run at a 12 minute pace.

8:47 AM

Blogger Olivia said...

1. You're correct. It is spelled "nit-pick". I looked it up in the dictionary. Understandably, I thought it was pertaining to actually knitting (specifically the picking style of knitting), since knitting is tedious and you have to pay close attention to what you are doing.

2. You are lying. You actually do not run at a 12 min. pace. For the most part, when we all run our 3 miles together, everyone finishes in less than 36 minutes, which is less than a 12 min. pace.

12:01 PM

Blogger Orianna said...

1. the etymology of nit-picking is literally to pick nits. A nit is of course the egg of a louse, and if lice are hard to see, imagine how small a nit is. Apparently the process of picking nits out of someone's hair involves a magnifying glass, forceps, and a special comb--an activity just begging to be turned into a metaphor for someone who goes looking for faults that are too small to be noticed, or may not even exist in the first place.

2.With the above definition in place you are absolutely right. I am a huge liar. I run at a 11:56 pace.

12:17 PM

Blogger Olivia said...

1. I read that definition too.

2. I doubt you finish the exact same time every time Anna. Besides...I bet it is at least 11:50 :). I think you usually finish by 35 min 30 sec.

2:11 PM


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