Ben and Lissa are old high school friends who are having a competition they thought up on the spur of the moment to see which of them can lose 10 pounds the fastest. It's fun! Then winner gets to design an embarrassing T-shirt and the loser has to wear it in public.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Worst weekend ever

Mike was out of town Saturday - Wednesday, so let me tell you what I ate while he was gone. 1 package of double stuf Oreos, McDonald's, Taco Bell, 3 pork chops. I did not exercise the whole time he was gone either. I just painted my kitchen/dining room and lay on the couch. I did manage to walk my dogs a few times. Luckily it has not resulted in that much gain back and starting today I am going back to normal. It has been ridiculously cold here, like 50's, so I have not wanted to do much outside, which sucks since I bought that stupid bike but I have not been able to ride it so far. I keep planning to ride it to subway and have a subway sandwich for lunch. Then I can lose 300 pounds like Jared! But it means I would weigh like -160 pounds. That's pretty sweet though because I would be a size zero, or maybe even smaller.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Some of us have to work

Please refer to the title. I weighed myself before I left for my folks' place for the weekend and I was at 168. I am banking on the chili that I had to help me move to the forefront. You will bowel before me.

As I mentioned to you over IM, I am going to only try to post once or so a week. Don't worry, I will have a huge movement soon. (On the reduction of my weight you pervs)

Friday, February 09, 2007


This is the start-weight recorded on my digital scale, so I guess I am back to my low for the contest. Sweet. Ben, I saw this T-shirt and I thought it would be *perfect* for you:

I hope you like it as much as I do!

By the way, I did a pull-up last night. Not like a good one or anything, but still, overhand and everything. I did sort of start from a half-way up point, not like a dead hang. But it is much better than I have done in the past. So, I was filled with pride at my accomplishment and now I am bragging.

By the way, you better post soon because I am sick of being the only one.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Camera weighs .2 pounds

I thought I was going to fall down and die by the end of my workout last night. Step aerobics is so hard! So surely I did not gain .2 pounds. It must mean the camera weighs that. Or possibly more and I actually lost weight.

It is finally warming up here so I will hopefully start running again tomorrow morning and I am also going to start riding my bike around at lunch starting today.

Guess what makes me want to lose weight more than anything else. Veronica Mars. Every time I see tiny little Kristen Bell I feel like barfing up whatever I ate last.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Not drinking pays

139 this morning. Now I am making progress (er.. at least back to my low for the contest of 138). I did an easy low-impact aerobics DVD last night, and the night before that I did 30 minutes of tae-bo, which is way less than normal, so I credit the loss to not drinking beer the past two nights. Now I think that has been holding me back all along. I am glad Mike said he didn't want to drink on the weeknights anymore. Also, I think I may have been turning into a bit of an alcoholic because I was having like 2 beers every night.

Sorry there is no picture, but I didn't want to jinx it. It seems like every time I get on the scale 2 times in a morning, the 2nd time it will say I weigh like 2 pounds more than the first. Tomorrow, I will get on with the camera on the first try instead of bounding out of bed gleefully the moment I wake up to see how much weight I have lost, then (usually) crying because it is none.

Monday, February 05, 2007

This could be a fluke

We'll see if the pounds keep coming off or if I am back up to 142 tomorrow. This is from Sunday morning... I am not weighing in this morning because I drank a ton of beers last night. Luckily other than that I mostly just ate celery so I feel like I did fairly well. I did have *3* potato chips, but then I stopped myself and remembered I am not supposed to be eating junk food.

Man, it has been so cold and gloomy here. I did not run at all last week and it is looking like more of the same today.

Friday, February 02, 2007

I took a picture

But it says 142.0 just like yesterday so I am not going to bother getting it off the camera and posting it. Oh well, at least I am not gaining.

Hmmm back to square 1

Ok, didn't have time to post a pic but I am back to 167.4. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten dinner so late. Oh well.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


I will post tomorrow. I forgot to eat lunch today so I ate a few chocolate turtles. Mmmm. Dinner was 2 chicken "breasts", bowl of broccoli, and some rice. I weighed in at 167 this morning and 167.8 when I got back from work today. I should be 169-170 tonight, I should be at 166 or so tomorrow morning. Target should be 157-158. Watch out fools. Then after 1 more week, I will start to workout again.

PS - All you girls should eat cake. Big slices of delicious cake. Mmmmmmmmm.

Might as well...

I guess I am not going to get on the scale and see 138 again any time soon. I can't hold off posting forever, so even though this picture says 142 I will put it up. The weird thing is, I swear I got on as soon as I got out of bed, and it said 140.4, which pleased me, because it said 140.8 yesterday at the same time. Then I put my contacts in, brushed my teeth, let me dogs out, fed them, had literally 2 sips of coffee, put new batteries in the camera and got back on and it showed this. I know for certain the camera does not weigh 2 pounds, so I have no clue what this is about.

Anyway, even though this is basically my starting weight (143), I can tell the diet and exercise is working well for me because I look way thinner than when I started. I guess eventually I'll max out on the muscle building and then it will be nothing but fat loss and the number on the scale will start to drop again.

Also, my pull-up training is starting to pay off because last night I was able to do 2 underhand pull-ups (but my resolution is technically to do the overhand kind). Before I could only struggle up for 1.

Yesterday I found out step aerobics (which is what I have been doing the past couple weeks) burns more calories for a 140 pound woman than running for the same amount of time. I am guessing it is just as hard on your knees though.